Many public domain books are scanned in this format. djvu and unlike PDF, it was born as an open file format. DjVu: it is a not very widespread alternative to PDF.It is aimed at self-publishing the enriched book, with many possibilities for interactivity and collaborative work. iBooks: It is the format of books created with Apple Author iBooks.It is derived from the CHM format, also from Microsoft. It was one of the first e-book formats and was very successful, but is not currently supported. Microsoft LIT: It is the format that Microsoft Reader reads, with a.The new readers of this brand no longer support it and the catalog of titles goes to ePub, therefore you should discard it. BBeB: it is the outdated format of Sony readers, with extensions.It can be opened with eReader, but it is not suitable for portability. pml extension are the typical markup language format created by Palm Reader. It is a standard format endorsed by NIST. Open-eBook: it is the predecessor of the ePub and it is distributed with the extension.It is not interactive, does not allow annotations or does not fit the screen. cba for ACE, although it supports other types of compression formats. The extension depends on the compression. cbz) is a typical format of many digital comics, although it works for any book with many images. The audio and the text are synchronized, which allows navigation through the book (go to a page, do a search. They are especially aimed at users with disabilities. dbt is the typical format for audiobooks. As above, it supports bookmarks and annotations, adapting well to the screen. It does not accept DRM, but it does support semantic marking, so it can be easily converted to other formats. fb2 open and very widespread in Russia, although it is not typical here. Fictionbook: It is a file with the extension.tpz, they are unique Kindle formats for Amazon device and support annotations, bookmarks and carry DRM. Mobipoket, KF8 and Topaz: They have extensions like.So much so that it has become the standard. pdf format guarantees compatibility with almost any device and software. PDF: It is one of the most universal formats, and having a.TXT: auqneu is a simple text file, it is also used in some cases of simple books.EPUB3 aims to be the standard for ebooks in the future. It supports annotated, marked, own audiobook functionalities, synchronization with videos, text, etc. epub3 extension to which more features have been added as an evolution of the previous one.

There is a more modern variant called ePUB3 with. It is quite compatible with most devices and very versatile. EPUB: it is one of the main formats to read text, with a fairly complete service and used by small stores.Unfortunately they are not accepted by other devices. MOBI: They are compatible with Amazon Kindle readers and also for Amazon apps for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.Know the different formats ebook will help us to differentiate between the characteristics of one and the other and which devices or programs are compatible or not with them: